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Publications (click on title or journal)

24. Fluid inertia and the scallop theorem. Nicholas J. Derr, Thomas Dombrowski, Chris H. Rycroft and Daphne Klotsa. JFM 952 (2022).

23. Pairwise and collective behavior between model swimmers at intermediate Reynolds numbers. Thomas Dombrowski, Hong Nguyen and Daphne Klotsa. Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, 074401 (2022).

22. Dilute phase oligomerization can oppose phase separation and modulate material properties of a ribonucleoprotein condensate. Ian Seim, Ammon E. Posey, Wilton T. Snead, Benjamin M. Stormo, Daphne Klotsa, Rohit V. Pappu, and Amy S. Gladfelter. PNAS 119 (13) e2120799119 (2022).

20. Kinematics of a simple reciprocal model swimmer at intermediate Reynolds numbers. Thomas Dombrowski and Daphne Klotsa. Phys. Rev. Fluids  5, 063103 (2020). Selected Editor's suggestion. 

19. Experiments and agent based models of zooplankton movement within complex flow environments. Kemal Ozalp, Laura Miller, Thomas Dombrowski, Madeleine Braye, Thomas Dix, Liam Pongracz, Reagan Howell, Daphne Klotsa, Virginia Pasour, Christopher Strickland. Biomimetics 5 (1), 2 (2020). 

18. Active binary mixtures of fast and slow hard spheres. Thomas Kolb and Daphne Klotsa. Soft Matter 16, 1967 (2020). Featured on the back cover

17. As Above, So Below, and also in Between: Mesoscale active matter in fluids. Daphne Klotsa. Soft Matter (invited) 15, 8946 (2019). Featured on the inside front cover

16. Transition in swimming direction in a model self-propelled inertial swimmer. Thomas Dombrowski, Shannon K. Jones, Georgios Katsikis, Amneet Pal Singh Bhalla, Boyce E. Griffith, Daphne Klotsa. Phys. Rev. Fluids (Rapid Comms) 4, 021101(R) (2019). Featured on Advances in Engineering

15. Intermediate crystalline structures of colloids in shape space. Daphne Klotsa, Elizabeth R. Chen, Michael Engel, Sharon C. Glotzer. Soft Matter 14, 8692 - 8697 (2018). Featured on the inside front cover


14. Clusters of polyhedra in spherical confinement. E. G. Teich, G. van Anders, D. Klotsa, J. Dshemuchadse, and S. C. Glotzer. PNAS 113, no 6, E669-678 (2016). 

*Featured in

13. Propulsion of a Two-Sphere Swimmer. D. Klotsa, K. A. Baldwin, R. J. A. Hill, R. M. Bowley and M. R. Swift. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 248102 (2015). 

*Featured in PhysicsToday and with a video on Sixty Symbols

12. Digital Alchemy for Materials Design and Optimization. G. van Anders, D. Klotsa, A. S. Karas, P. M. Dodd, S. C. Glotzer. ACS Nano 9 (10), 9542–9553 (2015).

11. Shape control and compartmentalization in active colloidal cells. M. Spellings, M. Engel, D. Klotsa, S. Sabrinac, A. M. Drews, N. H. P. Nguyen, K. J. M. Bishop and S. C. Glotzer. PNAS 112, no. 34, E4642–E4650 (2015).


*Featured in Nature Physics (Research Highlights). Active colloids: Made to order. Abigail Klopper, Nature Physics 11, 703 (2015).  


10. Understanding shape entropy through local dense packing. G. van Anders, D. Klotsa, N. K. Ahmed, M. Engel and S. C. Glotzer. PNAS 111, no 45, E4812--E4821 (2014).


*Featured in Nature Materials (News and Views). Material witness: The force of shape. P. Ball, Nature Materials 13, 1083 (2014) and


9. Complexity in surfaces of densest packings for families of polyhedra. E. R. Chen*, D. Klotsa*, M. Engel, P. F. Damasceno and S. C. Glotzer. Phys. Rev. X 4, 011024 (2014).     *contributed equally


*Featured in Synopsisphysicsworld and the New Scientist.


8. Emergent collective phenomena in a mixture of hard shapes through active rotationN.H.P. Nguyen, D. Klotsa, M. Engel, S. C. Glotzer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 075701 (2014).

*On the Michigan news.


7. Controlling crystal self-assembly using a real-time feedback scheme. D. Klotsa and R. L. Jack. J. Chem. Phys. 138, 094502 (2013).


6. Predicting the self-assembly of a model colloidal crystal. D. Klotsa and R. L. Jack. Soft Matter 7, 6294 (2011).


5. Chain formation of spheres in oscillatory fluid flows. D. Klotsa, M. R. Swift, R. M. Bowley and P. J. King, Phys. Rev. E 79, 021302 (2009).


4. The dynamics of spheres in oscillatory fluid flows. M. R. Swift, D. Klotsa, H.S. Wright, R. M. Bowley and P. J. King, 6th International Conference on the Micromechanics of Granular Media, Golden, CO, JUL 13-17, 2009. POWDERS AND GRAINS 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings 1145, 1039-1042   (2009).


3. The interaction of spheres in oscillatory fluid flows. D. Klotsa, M. R. Swift, R. M. Bowley and P. J. King, Phys. Rev. E 76, 056314 (2007).


2. Electronic transport in DNA. D. Klotsa, R. A. Römer and M. S. Turner. Biophys. J. 89, 2187 (2005).


1. Electronic Transport in DNA - the Disorder Perspective. D. Klotsa, R. A. Römer and M. S. Turner. 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-27), Flagstaff, AZ, JUL 26-30, 2004. AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 772,1093-1094 (2005).




The dynamics of spheres in oscillatory fluid flows, K. D. Klotsa, PhD thesis, University of Nottingham, 2009.


Electronic transport in DNA - the disorder perspective, K.D. Klotsa , MSc thesis, University of Warwick, October 2004.


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