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2017-03-16 10.36.10
2016-12-11 09.56.49_edited
2017-03-24 19.27.49
2016-12-11 09.56.30_edited
Socrates reindeer
2016-12-10 12.55.35
2016-11-11 18.34.33
2016-12-10 12.55.37
2017-03-14 19.44.06
2016-11-11 18.33.19
Socrates rave glow collar

Daphne Klotsa, PI (CV)

I am an associate professor in the new Department of Applied Physical Sciences at UNC-Chapel Hill. See also here

My interests are in soft matter, specifically active matter, fluid dynamics, swimmer, robots, self-assembly, packing shapes, and granular dynamics. Although my background is in physics, I value enormously the experience I have gleaned from working in Engineering and Chemistry departments, in addition to Physics. 


Office: Murray Hall 1114 (for detailed directions see contact page)

Email: dklotsa AT

Tel: 919-962-6454

Current members


Hong Nguyen, Postdoctoral fellow (2020 - )

Department of Applied Physical Sciences

PhD in Applied Physics (2018) 

University of South Florida, Tampa

Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics (2005)

Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Office: Caudill 158

Email: hongnt AT


Nicholas Lauersdorf, Graduate student (2019 - )

Department of Applied Physical Sciences

Bachelor of Science, Double Major Physics & Mathematics (2018) 

University of Wisconsin-Madison


Office: Caudill 158

Email: njlauers AT


Jin Lee, Graduate student (2020 - )

Department of Applied Physical Sciences

Bachelor of Science, Double Major Physics & Chemical Physics (2020) 

Centre College

Office: Caudill 158




Ian Seim, Graduate student (2017 - 2022)

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (concentration in Biophysics) 

Department of Biology, Applied Physical Sciences

*co-advised with Amy Gladfelter (UNC-Biology)

Bachelor of Science, Major Mathematics & Minor Music (2014) 

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC


Now: Postdoctoral fellow, Gladfelter Lab, UNC Chapel Hill

Thomas Dombrowski, Graduate student (2017 - 2021)

Department of Physics 


Master of Science, Major Physics (2017)

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC

Bachelor of Arts, Double Major Physics & Chemistry (2014) 

Harriet Wilkes Honors College, Florida Atlantic University


Now: Research assistant, Enderling Lab, Moffit Cancer Center

Linkedin profile

Tom Kolb, Graduate student (2015 - 2020)

Department of Chemistry, Division of Physical Chemistry

Bachelor of Science, Double Major Chemistry & Mathematics (2015) 

Union College, Schenectady, NY


Now: Senior Data Analyst, Vanguard Charitable

Linkedin profile

Shannon K. Jones, Postdoctoral researcher (2016-2018)


PhD, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (2016)

UNC-Chapel Hill


B.S. Biochemistry, Minor Biomechanics (2009) 

University of Florida, Gainesville


Office: Murray Hall 1136

Email: skjohnsn AT


Minzhi Jiang, Masters student (2016 - 2018)

Department of Applied Physical Sciences 


Master of Science, Major Physics (2016)

New York University, New York, NY

Bachelor of Science, Major Physics (2012) 

Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China


Office: Murray Hall 1136

Email: minzhi AT



Steini Davidsson, Undergraduate student (2015 - 2017 )


Major Computer Science

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC


Office: Caudill 158

Email: steini AT


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